I realized that the map showed in EL ESPECTADOR is in the 1:225 scale, and not in the new scale proposed . Thats the reason the chart only shows 5 properties with a total of 42 hectares within the Paramos.
CBJ has a total of 600 hectares, but without la Vereda (150) and SAN ANTONIO (that may not have explitation permits), the remain 9 properties with an @ of 400 hectares should have exploitation permits.
Looking January CBJ presentation, slides 7 and 9, full ore potential of the properties are located within the following 9 mining properties: REAL MINERA, LOS DELIRIOS, SANTA ISABEL, LA PETER, SAN BARTOLO, SAN ANTONIO, EL DORADO, ARIAS, LA TRIADA DE ORO.
The january presentation states that only 6 mining properties have exploitation permits. What we need to know is which properties have exploitation permits, and which ones CBJ will have to drop.
If CBJ holds the 9 properties above mentioned, as is supposed to happen, then we will hold full resources. We just need some more information and an overlaping map to clear this mess..