ILLEGAL MININGI find very possitive this article, that shows the need of work. The clear message of the locals to the colombian government is: " If you dont want formal mining, then you will have hundreds of illegal miners, prediation and pollution".
Its a fact that in poor countries a regulation cannot change the reality in this area: People need to work and increase their living standards.
The only solution is that the colombian government let the mining companies work, that will offer good working conditions to the local people and will comply with environmental regulations. Otherwise, illegal mining will advance as have happened in Peruvian Madre de Dios that have caused pollution of water resources and predation of the jungle. See images by yourself in Google.
After some feedbacks, I can say that CBJ is on good track and full consolidation of the area and resources is on the way.
Fabio keep on track, you are doing a great job!! we will succeed after all this mess..