RE:Where is the support for this thing?
I just call it as I see it. I own a quarter million from 21.5 avg so yeah the position is sucking the hind teet. I've always said there are market guys and business guys. The market guys have some awareness about their stock and are more promotional....the business guys just focus on building a great/profitable business. Hoping we have the latter in this case as they certainly aren't the former. Maybe they plan to change that but as it stands pass the farking defibrillator. Mildly impressed with the buying today. Held up to a few sellers so there is some support in here. I've already mentally written this off to a about a dime. Would be close to a 30k hit for me but tis the game I play. I've seen how explosive this can be when the news/environment are right. Would be nothing to move a dime one day.....still got the faith that it will be up.