RE:RE:Burn 2much
" Fullmealdeal " .... I believe that the financials will tell the truth here. They will show if there is an actual demand for SCOUT DS. It has been in 32 countries for up to two years now and if the financials show that there is no demand for SCOUT DS in 32 countries around the world then tell me why in a year to a year and a half if/when MOM gets approval why China will make a big difference. Diabetes is rampant around the world .... not just in China.
And also think about this. If MOM's financials show that there is still no demand for SCOUT DS after two years in 32 countries then in 1 to 1 1/2 years if/when MOM gets approval in China then how many more years would it be before a demand will even start to show up there ??
What would make China different than all 32 of the other countries ?? Why would there be demand there if her financials show there is no demand in the 32 other countries ??
MOM's financials will show everyone the truth .... demand or no demand for her products. Simple as that. People can live in their dream worlds ( like " hotoffthepress " ) or face up to reality. A companies financials are a reality. I wouldn't doubt that the insiders/ market makers give the share price a little push before they announce her next financing ( less dilution that way ) but then the share price will retract once again ..... unless of course MOM's financials show that a demand for SCOUT DS is picking up .
Everything works on supply and demand in the world and there was obviously no demand for SCOUT DS when Veralight owned it and thus sold out to MOM. And Veralight had big money backing them ( Psilos and Dow Chemical ) and still couldn't make it. It all works on supply and demand.
So MOM .... let's see your financials ..... don't be afraid to show everyone how much demand ( or lack of ) that there is for SCOUT DS. ...... and PRE-VU of course. We are all waiting.