This has been a Learning Lesson for meI have been investing in stocks for over 18 years now and have done alright so far. Now when it comes to Sierra I never did my homework and check this company out. I bought this stock when a guy came and asked me and a lot of my friends to invest and told us how good this company is so we invested with out checking into the company. Later we find out this guy holds a lot of stock. He has given us many different updates that have not been true. Sierra said they were in legal case with the neighbour company and that was in Oct 2013. Nothing has never been said what has happened with this case? I do not understand why Wally Boguski buys 7000 shares at 18 cents on Feb 5 th to 7th and than sells a few thousand shares at 20 cents a few days later. We know we should have checked this company out before we bought this stock so it has been a learning lesson for us. Check out companies before investing your money and be care full who you get your updates from they could be given you good news only so you will buy more stock. Or not sell the stock you have already. I sure most of the investors that have bought this stock have bought because of this guy coming to them telling how good this company is. Me and my friends have learned a lesson on this stock.