" Tom " ... could you please show us all these 29 dividend increases that you state JE has had as I totally disagree.
The way I see it they started with a dividend on July 13 / 2009 when the share price was approx. $ 12 / share. The dividend payment was .10333 / share.
The dividend payment remained constant until Dec. 29th / 2009 when they raised it to .20 / share ( for one payment only ) and the share price was approx. $ 15 / share at that time.
But the following month it was back down to .10333 / share and remained there until April 11th / 2013 when it was cut to .07 cents a share and the share price at that point in time was approx. $7/share.
It has remained at .07 cents / share since.
So I have no idea where you derived the 29 dividend increases from.
Also if you look at the chart which I have pasted below you can see that it has now broken down and is headed lower once again. No one knows of course where the bottom will be now .
But the fact remains that companies cannot afford to be double digit dividends forever and something will have to change. So either their share price has to increase considerably or eventually they will have to cut the dividend. It will just be a matter of when.
tom2323 -(2/12/2014 3:58:34 PM)
Nice to see you back. If I look at dividend history, I see 29 increases and one cut. Share pice should logically follow operating performance. You expect a bad result and a dividend cut. apparently. What would you quantify as good results tomorrow? No dividend cut and 10% EBITDA growth? 20% growth? Just like to know once before the fact.