2013 was a boom year for management fees up until June 2013 First was management fees $ 825,000.00
Second was office and misc. $ 674,000.00
Living high on the hog while there is cash in the bank.
Income Statement as of Jun. 30 (Thou. CANADIAN DOLLAR)
2013 2012
Office and miscellaneous 674 1,613
Share-based compensation 343 1,038
Management fees 825,000 614
Professional fees 392 553
Foreign exchange (gain) loss (82) (355)
Travel 86 188
Investor relations 68 184
Rent 101 104
Transfer agent and filing fees 58 88
Consulting fees 73
General exploration 104
Property, plant and equipment write-down 51
Depreciation 30 29
Exploration properties written-off 36,180
Interest income 176 278
Remeasurement of assets held for sale (3,291)
Impairment on other investment 103
Loss on equity investment 52
Impairment on equity investment 306
Net income (41,945) (4,312)
Basic and Diluted EPS (0.38) (0.04)