So why Emerita ?.....part 2.......A............One of the most difficult things in the speculation game is to find something worth throwing some money at.
Lets say you have 3 companies you are looking of them Emerita............
First thing I look at is management..............have they achieved success in the past?
Second thing I look at is how much stock is in the hands of the public and the share price. In this case I'd rather there was less stock out. The share price and the tightly held share sturcture tipped the scale. Given that more stock will be issued I am very reluctant to look at anything with over 50 million shares out as a start up.
Third.............the story.............the property...........the infrastructure, where is it...............the possibilities.
The story..............Old Roman mine workings............that has some sex appeal..........throw in the rather untouched property in mondern times.
The property..............pretty much vigin territory with nuggets, free gold, and outcroppings with visable gold.
The infrastructure..............Power & water available, towns all over the place.
Where..............Spain............desperately in need of investment and jobs for locals. Friendly mining jurisdiction and making life easy for Mining companies to make a buck.
The possibilites.....................I suppose that is to be determined. Given some time and a few drill holes the story will start to unfold this year.
So, compare that with whatever companies you have in mind............. take advantage of the start up situatioin and investment funds still punting their stock as they don't see the forest for the trees or redemptions force them to sell. The cheap stock will be gone soon enough. If this comapny meets your requirements, step up and get your initial position.