RE:RE:Not inviting....stencil1 wrote: Could not agree more. Don't know about $.28 but I'm pretty sure it's not going back to $.13. The only thing keeping the price down is Management still wanting to fill the Flow-through financing but not re-pricing it higher.
Market is/ was exspecting/ hoping for decent news, maybe some people know more than we do already, but if management does not deliver very soon, this will be below $0,13 quickly. again.
Take a look to Frankfurt, market gives a sh*** for hoping and not delivering as one can see today. In the end back to were the shareprice started from.
If management does not deliver Stefan has to sell even more shares to pay the bills of the company.
They should announce where we stand at the moment, for example:
What about the Vector deal? Did they transfer the 400k $? Probably not otherwise Stefan had no reason to sell shares.
Did they shoot seismic already? Probably not, otherwise they would have announced it.
Did they start drilling, definitely not, otherwise they would have announced it.
Did they etc., etc.
What the hell have they done in the last month since September, except rasing money and deluting?