RE:RE:RE:What are you all doing!steamerlane wrote: If your broker said.."they will leave the OTC soon",I would ask him,if he realizes it is considered inside information,therefore by hi telling you,he has broken the (SEC)law.So,I won't trust his word at all,if he is correct,then he is dishonest,if he is incorrect,then he is unreliable,either way I won't listen to him.
Not sure about the leave on OTC, given that this was not stated in the NR; I expect that WOF will continue to trade OTC. However what Markis' broker is probably stating is that OTC as well as CSE trading in WOF in particular will not be be supported via their online platform; hence the need to perform telephone orders. This is the feedback from my broker and I expect it to be a similar case with a lot of non US/CA based firms.
As mentioned 2 days ago this move will reduce the international appeal of WOF significantly until the CSE is more generally accepted.
I sold most of my position around my average entry when the news was released. I will contine to hold a smaller portion for the moment to see how this all turns out. I'd rather bin these shares than sell them below 0.12 anyway...
I still believe there is a nice future in WOF however I'm not sure if the long term shareholders here will benefit a lot from it. I hope we do, but hope is not the really a strategy.
Good luck to all.