what a joke finishes European hemp industry awareness progra
Arris finishes European hemp industry awareness program
2014-03-03 10:13 MT - News Release
Mr. Charles Larsen reports
Arris Holdings Inc., pending name change to Global Hemp Group Inc. has completed its first European hemp industry awareness program. In this framework, Charles Larsen, chairman and chief executive officer, has met with hemp industry representatives across Europe.
"These meetings have generated significant interest in the growth of the hemp market in general and our business model in particular," said Mr. Larsen.
Furthermore, Mr. Larsen engaged in discussions with representatives from the German automotive industry, one of the largest potential future markets for hemp. "There are millions of cars on the road today produced by German auto manufacturers that is a small, but significant and rapidly expanding market segment, said Mr. Larsen.
The company also entered into discussions with potential producers of raw materials. Mr. Larsen said: "Logistically, first-level processing of hemp must occur in the local region where it is produced. It can then be transported to processors for secondary processing of refined materials. We must engage producers and processors in local regions, which will ultimately contribute to rural development and job creation opportunities in regions that need it most.
"The potential for hemp spans across almost every sector and industry of the global economy. Its applications are very broad, including high vegetable protein foods, auto parts, building materials, textiles, medicines and much more," said Mr. Larsen while attending the Transformational Business Network National Conference on Feb. 26, 2014, in London to explore potential social venture projects that could help alleviate poverty and starvation in the most impoverished regions of the world.
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