- Time travel underground, “the God particle” and the Internet’s mom -- why the next “miracle” should peak your self-interest
- Quadruple Your Money With This Microcap, Part II
- Holographic displays reach 3-D printing… a disruptive innovator joins the next industrial revolution… our free research… and more!
Dear Tomorrow in Review Reader,
Half a mile underground… beneath the Jura Mountains that stretch from Switzerland to France… is a circular tunnel, nearly 17 miles long…
Inside this tunnel, two particles race around faster than the speed of light… defying time itself… searching for each other, until…
They CLASH in a brilliant 3.5 trillion volt release of energy.
The explosion is recorded. The information rapidly sent to research outlets in countries throughout the world.
No wonder this is the birthplace of the Internet…
This is like "firing two needles across the Atlantic and getting them to hit each other" according to engineer Steve Myers, director for accelerators and technology at the Swiss laboratory.
I’m talking about CERN, the place that houses one of the most expensive and complex scientific instruments of all time:
The Large Hydron Collider (LHC).
So… why on earth are we smashing teeny-tiny, ultra-powerful particles together?
For starters, what happens in this tunnel is a reenactment of what happens throughout the cosmos.
As you can imagine, this place is responsible for major breakthroughs.
The most recent discovery is consistent with the long-sought Higgs boson, or “The God Particle”.
Something scientists have dreamed about for over 40 years, because it may provide critical information about how our universe was formed (the investment angle -- coming right up!)
The Ultimate Stamp of Approval
As fate would have it, soon after the discovery of “The God particle”, the LHC was shut down for much-needed maintenance.
Scheduled to be back up and running in late 2014, the new and improved particle accelerator should have double the energy capacity.
One of the companies under contract to help is Zecotek Photonics (OTCBB: ZMSPF), the topic of Friday’s review.
As we said on Friday, Zecotek has three areas of expertise: imaging systems, laser systems and 3-D display systems.
That first area is where the company’s tech makes state-of-the-art PET medical scanners, a multi-billion dollar industry with a fast growing market.
MRIs, CT scans and X-Rays are mostly fixed imaging for early stage detection of diseases like cancer. But PET scans are what you want for diagnostics and imaging if you want to closely monitor diseases.
Zecotek is working to combine the PET and MRI scanner. That would become the ultimate tool for the future of medical imaging.
Getting back to today’s focus…
Zecotek is now in a multi-year contract with CERN.
Zecotek is providing CERN something called MAPD detectors which will replace the old standard of photo multiplier tubes. Those crystals will be installed at LHC to confirm the existence of “the God particle” once-and-for-all.
Inside where humans first glimpsed “The God Particle”
Since CERN wants to double their energy capacity, they cannot use the old crystals.
Zeco’s next generation tech will allow LHC to multiple its intense radiations.
Needless to say, the company has gotten stamps of approval from the most credible institutions on the planet.
Zecotek’s 3-D Printing Holograms
Zecotek’s latest 3-D display technology is way ahead of the competition.
Their TVs displays for example give you the impression of being in a 3-D movie theatre without wearing 3-D glasses. More importantly, the launch of their 3-D display will work with any 3-D printer.
The Precursor to The Star War’s Hollogram?
Images respond to gesture controls that rotate and add components to images that pop out of your screen. Users have the ability to project and edit any object before it goes to print. It doesn’t get much more realistic.
On Jan. 31, the company issued a press release about the new interface.
According to Zecotek CEO Dr. A.F. Zerrouk:
“Zecotek’s 3-D display technology creates significant advantages in the design process related to 3-D printing. By creating a user interface between the 3-D printer and our own patented 3-D display, we offer end-users the most realistic view of the solid object being created on the printer.
“Individual or multiple users will have the ability to view the object in full 3-D, from all perspectives, and edit the object as desired. The interface will have a rich variety of interactive features and offer the ability to see a true 3-D image during the design process, which can save time, material and cost.”
These advantages are aligned with the core drivers of the 3-D printing industry’s current growth. But there are a few other things pushing this company along that are worth a quick mention…
One Significant Price Trigger
Google and Samsung’s legal battles over the years show how much patents really matter.
Zecotek is in the process of enforcing a major lawsuit in The States against Saint Gobain for infringement and Philips Medical for willful violation. The case has been in court for two years, and the verdict is expected any day now.
Look at the statistics and you’ll find that Zecotek is likely to get a positive ruling. In a previous case involving Siemens versus St. Gobain, for example, the former won. One analyst predicts the outcome "could result in a potentially significant damages award".
One of the Best 3-D Printing Stocks in 2014
Remember Friday, I made a prediction?
I said that this time next year the value of the company could quadruple.
That’s not something I say lightly… and in fact, I’ve never said it in these pages before.
Of course, we have no crystal ball… it’s only our best guess.
But it is certain that the 3-D printing industry needs companies with innovative, patented technologies that can provide new efficiencies in time, materials and cost.
And that’s exactly what today’s little microcap is doing, making Zecotek Photonics one of the best 3-D printing investment ideas for 2014.
Josh Grasmick
Managing Editor, Tomorrow in Review
PS - You can access all of our research on 3-D printing investment ideas, and much more when you click here for a free trial to our entry level tech newsletter. In 2014 alone, readers had the chance to pocket 195.30% gains from our 3-D printing plays, and more from our portfolio’s biotech section. Don’t wait -- time is of the essence.