Chile is a Welfare Nation (64%)
Chile reminds me of my businesses in Utah, Missouri, Nevada and elsewhere and how I was able to expose the secret recruiting of Scrannage/Karenko to the Koch Brothers attempted take-over of MSX out of Florida
As an American, I researched Chile before we wired the thousands of dollars to Chile's former state governor (partner to Jorge's Family business). An Update for comparison purposes:
1. Chile is 291,930.4 sq mi (80+% Federally owned land, including Mina Pascua)
Nevada is 110,622 sq mi (72% Federally owned land)
Texas is 268,581 sq mi (Texas would be the 40th largest behind Chile and Zambia) The Texas General Land Office manages state lands and mineral rights totaling 13 million acres
2. Utah 70% Mormon, Chile 70% Catholic
3. Chile population (16.5 M) is between the states of Illinois (12.5 M) and Florida (19.5 M).
4. Chile has a beach front of 4,000 miles, as compared to Florida's beach front of less than 1,500 miles
5. As of November 2012, about 11.1 million people or 64% of the population benefit from government welfare programs