Yes, do worryAlthough most Quebeckers may not be in the mood for a referendum at the moment this could change in a hurry. There is always a risk when a separatist government is elected especially with a majoriry. I worked in Quebec previously at a senior level with close contact to the political elite, some of which were separatist. The danger does lurk in the background and separatist are prevalent throughout government and the private sector (not only Pierre Karl!) at all levels quietly waiting for ideal conditions. Yes, Quebeckers feel strongly about their right to self determination and their ability to draw distinction between electing a separatist party and calling for separation through a referendum, but this strategy is not without risk as once elected the party will set its own agenda. So I say to Quebeckers don't vote for the PQ unless you do indeed want or could live with separation. And then there is the other side of the coin and that is English Canada who has grown impatient with Quebec. It is not clear whether English Canada would bend over for Quebec again this time if a referendum were to occur. Some would prefer that the door hit them on the bum on the way out..