This is NormalIn the face of FDA approval, the buzzards were already circling and thinking that they were smelling blood. Considering the November failure from FDA and the subsequent market reaction, there were tens of millions of shares in Canadian markets alone that were picked up between 3 and 5 to 7 cents etc. Any prudent retail trader would capitalize on this news and take profits. Now we are back to square one but it's a new game. With FDA approval there can be non dilutive financing and the company is also ripe to make a deal with a medical tech company and I have an opinion on who may be a likely suitor. The CEO does have his job to do and he will be busy in the next little while but I believe he will come through. It all is what it is, so wasting energy on meowing about the CEO has about as much value as belly aching about the Govt and although it's a popular hobby, it really doesn't serve anyone in a positive way. Personally, I look forward to more days in the sunshine and seeing this play out as a good investment. My Opinion