Drill Pad Locations - Preston LakeIt looks like they're going to settle on the follow areas for Preston Lake:
The North Central Section of the WASP Properties with Fission to the West, Alpha to the Northwest, and Nexgen to the North.
Mainly the Fin South Area there, where the 2013 Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic Surveyed conductors were identified on a number of different Exploration Corridors. There were a couple of good hot spots just to the east of this area as well (60-100 pCi/L Radon in Water Test Results).
Lloyd Lake, about 10 km's to the south of Fin South, is also being considered. There are numerous conductors there which extend down from the historic conductors on the Fission property to the north.
The North Central location (to the west of Fin South) close to Forum's property is also a good consideration, because of it's closeness to Hwy 955 (they hit 30-60 pCi/L there previously).
I don't see too much consideration going into the southern half of the WASP properties however... at least not yet. Most of the action is to the North, and mainly the Northwest.
Carpenter Lake still has the Radon testing continuing... which again is completely separate from the WASP group. These results should be coming through any time. Carpenter is to the east of Preston Lake and has the large Cable Bay Shear Zone running through it. Alpha Exploration is doing all of this testing on their own dime to get a 60%. interest, and everyone knows Alpha has a proven track record. Alpha wouldn't spend this money if they didn't see the huge potential here.
Good luck again......
I see the Carpenter Lake Radon survey test results coming out first.... and then the WASP drill results after that.
There should be a few NR's over the next month for sure.