Stock price
The reason this stock price is where it is is primarily because of the smashing that Pinetree Capital did to many microcap stocks in the last while. Not many of these companies can absorb bidwacking for 5 million shares without being knocked back hard. People think that there is something wrong with the company when these things happen. Well just maybe there is something wrong with Pinetree and i hear that there is. If thats the case then it should be a bargain.
What i am angry about this company is their lack of transparity in letting shareholders know what is going on. Even just an update would be nice. There is a select group of insiders that take down the small financings and I dont even think it was offered to anyone outside of their group.
When Pinetree dumped their 5 million shares not long ago the company had to know that it was coming because it was absorbed quickly. Some of that stock was simply placed up for sale at about .005 to .01 cent higher. I feel that this stock is way undervalued for what they have. We need to see a decision to go into production and some financial backers for the project.
Webpage is outdated and they need to get some people interested in the company so the stock price does not continue to languish here in the basement. This stock was trading for .15 cents and we only had 50% on Nyngan and now we have 100% of the project. I was ecstatic when i found out we won the court case and now the stock is trading for .02 cents.
Well its nice to see the insiders step up to the plate at least and take down 87% of the 8 million shares. There is always a little bonus for them somehow but at least they still believe in the project and something is up and they want to get a nice little position at .025 before the stock starts moving up.
My opinion. Sent off an email to them about a week ago and no reply. Very poor for shareholders but i think its a good opportunity in spite of their poor public relations.