OTCPK:CODMF - Post by User
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jadegreen777on Mar 16, 2014 6:15pm
Post# 22329700
RE:history about crimmia area good to know for gold
RE:history about crimmia area good to know for gold next important point of history ............ without zaporoshain cossak support the russian empire wouldnt have ever been able to take the crimmeian penisula and everybody there knows it i would be possibly in big trouble to say that there now........ big trouble......................people there mostly know their history ,,,, the people you see ( pro russians) are totaly scrippted people .. they have i bet a million or more of them in reserve waiting for times like this.. dont kid your self they arnt stupid.. im sure they realy have planned theatrical performace traning for this.... lololol.. i realy get a laugh though from them you got to laugh to a point.... there are also enough just regular russians who realise this but willingly go along as its in there interest and could in the long run feel its best. and feel safer.... and they could have a point.. a fact western media hasnt picked up on yet ......... so you priviously knew the russians have been there for 200 years and the crimmian tatars have been there for a lot longer ..enough to be concidered today as the aborigional people .... t . i think they are moderat muslums because of there diversification of there blood lines being a lot of ruthenian or kiven rus (ukrainian ). slaves they captured and lots too in the preceding centurys of conflict going back 700 years ..... thats why they look more european . as they gradualy asimilated...... and the ukrainians know this russians too. so it give russian more reason to be weary of the tartars comming back there living under ukrain ------ another people russia has put apon siverly very siverly .... one instance was the purposly and methoticaly done in 1933 starvation of 7 million ukrainians. you cant just blame stain for everything. as well.... its good the west has finaly herd about this... too. ....... so i would say without doubt if things do get worse and tartars are killed or something bad on mass.. turkey wount justr sit there!! .... hopfully putin knows all this too so it may be another deturent. but i think it will not stop him..... so fare.....SO!!!!!! when russians say they ouned this area for 200 years they only could do it with ukrainan support ......in the army .....cossaks ..... AND THEY KNOW IT !! getting an idia how complex it realy is!!!??? i think the western media will continue to have a hard time to put this accross . but hey are much improved from the start of it. they realy showed how little they knew of the area...