RE:on the move?
Possibly " winston " but until they show through their financials that there is an actual demand for SCOUT DS and PRE-VU then the trend will still be downwards. A year ago they used to have an income for PRE-VU and then it fell to nothing in the last three quarters. No demand whatsoever. Their Alere deal also fell through. So all that is left now is SCOUT DS which has been for sale in over 32 countries for approx. two years now. MOM having only owned SCOUT DS for one full quarter as of the end of January then ( if she would have published her financials then like she has normally done every three months ) we would have seen how many sales she has had in all these countries.
So now we wait until the end of April for her next financial release to see like I have previously stated if there is an actual demand for SCOUT DS and if demand for her PRE-VU has turned around.
If her financials show that there is still no demand whatsoever for her products then she could head back down to the single digits. So I would refrain from buying until she actually publishes her financials. It isn't long to wait now. It is better to have to pay a little higher price with the confirmation that there is an actual demand for her products rather than a confirmation that there may still be no demand and end up losing half your money or more.
Just over a month to go for confirmation of a demand .... or not.