RE:RE:RE:RE:Reserves, Technicals and WarrantsI guess it would depend on what the current cash flow rate really is.
Everyone seems to be guessing as to whether we've already been bumped to the higher royalty rate. I'm assuming that the last cash on hand report was made when we were still piling up cash at the lower royalty rate from LM.
It would depend on what the expenses were going to be going forward. They have a lot of 'potential' capex costs for 2014. Perhaps because they really haven't decided if they are going to drill certain properties, or perhaps because they don't yet own certain properties that they currently have their eye on.
I do agree that the cash was piling up at a very healthy rate in the last 7 week (or so) cash reporting period. However in the previous 7 week cash reporting period, the cash pile only increased by $1.1 million, if I remember correctly. We won't really know how much PTA's expenses were in that period until we see the Q4 and Q1 numbers.
Do you think there should have been a news release the moment the royalty rate changed for Las Maracas? Isn't this material information?
Of course, the moment PTA knew of the 2P reserves info for Las Maracas, which theoretically would have been the same time that their JV partner, PXT, knew, that should have warranted a 'material news' release as well in my opinion, but didn't seem to either.
We are still in the dark on a lot of pertinent information that would greatly effect the current valuation of the company.
I still think it is cheap. I just don't know how cheap. All will be revealed soon enough.