trader? - hardly...
In fact, even with my Christmas eve buy, my average cost was just under $10, so I held it a long time. I don't post often here and only posted a few days ago in response to your post re: "Surge in Share Price". If you read through my comment on Gumshoe you will know that two of my larger positions are COS & POT hardly trader's stocks. In fact, only about 25% of my holdings are "spec" stocks like ALS, VGQ (which I added to today), & RE. "Scarred" by the refinery years? No, but it was a stout reminder not "to fall in love with your stocks". Over the years I have often spoken at length with Brian & Chad, and I have massive respect for what they're doing here. As a company I like ALS a lot; I just happen to think it's price has gotten too far ahead of developments. I look to the "bullboards" as a way to exchange ideas. Some work, some don't. When pointing out "risks" is considered a "slime"-fest, I have my doubts.