V.SL could easily have a BIG run up similar to C.ATT V.SL has one of the best share structures in the MMJ market currently. Go take a look at some of the those marijuana stocks on the American OTC exchange. Based on the low market cap currently V.SL could become a 10 bagger if this plays out well. Supreme Pharmaceuticals has a solid business plan to become successful in the medical marijuana industry. Share structure dilution will not be an issue once the stock price hits .50 cents to $1+++ range just like C.ATT did recently. In my opinion V.SL is a much better MMJ play than Abattis Bioceuticals Corp. Plus V.SL is listed on the TSX venture exchange and is getting massive volume. Read more at: https://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard/v.sl/supreme-pharmaceuticals-inc#Or2VkbEaSszEfPxF.99