RE:Integra should be at .70 to .80 ! I don't agree. Someday ICG will have to start operating its mine rather than to continue drilling. ICG cannot go on forever spilling away money with its exploration program without having any revenues because it will have to either leverage more debt (which raises a company's specific risk; more risk = higher ROI demanded by the market) or will have to issue more shares which will dilute our current vested interests in the company. The market already forecasts this into the current SP. We are already at 174M shares. A SP of 0,70$ will value the company at 122M$ ; 122M$ for a company that has yet no revenues, only potential futures revenues for its only mine. I don't say a SP 0,70$ cannot happen with new drill results, but very unlikely. Just look at how the SP got hammered this week despite excellent news. Moreover, the longer the company waits before mining Lamaque, the more it is exposed to the risk of gold's price (gold is entering a bearish phase). I am still convinced that Lamaque will be lucrative, but I just want the company to accelerate its pace. At 0.30$, the stock is still a good bargain, but I don't expect any sustainable wild upswings anytime soon. Even though I own close to 30,000 shares into ICG, I like to bring a skeptical/critical opinion into this forum so that you guys can see both sides of the coin before making any financial decision.
Remember, never put into a stock more money than what you can afford to lose, that's my best advice.