Reply to kevin046:Patrick Horan
Horan 'slagged VRX something fierce on BNNTV MarketCall this week (Mar. 26?). Why? He is just "not into" stocks that "live" on TKO's, hw says, and that's all we really know about VRX, isn't it? He's right. So, I put in "stop to sell all" on its way down immediately after his "pearl of wisdom" . Come to think of it, every seen the "Valeant" name in your pharmacy/drug store? Me, neither. We know Bausch & Lomb still there on their products, maybe if name on products were changed to VRX, might have more "street cred." BTW, Horan is a "giant of the industry," his Fund bangs off Annual Returns in the 40-45% territory.
I've been out 100%, but this is just part of my "customer service" to you. Hey, I have over 150 'ignores," earned 'em all.