TSXV:TRL.H - Post by User
Post by
LTOWNERon Apr 02, 2014 7:13am
Post# 22399201
Negative Study: Gross Data Mismanagement
Negative Study: Gross Data Mismanagement
Great reading today guys/gals. One has to love the quality of posts on this TRL SH Board, compared to the almost unbelievably disgusting collection of pumping or bashing outright lies one finds on the Yahoo stock boards.
For those who didn’t open the recent links provided, BioTuesday’s Tony Pullen says: “I like Trimel Pharmaceuticals (TSX:TRL), notwithstanding the selling pressure from its founding shareholder, because it has a better solution for the delivery of a topical treatment of low testosterone in men. The sleeper is that it has the same delivery system for women, where there is a major unmet medical need for female orgasmic disorder.”
Of greater importance, related to the future of COMPLEO, a day doesn’t go by that I do not see one of those lawyer ads on TV suggesting a link between TRT & cardiac adverse events. In FarmaZ’s link an Androgen Study Group, a large group of physicians and researchers, is calling for the retraction of a paper linking testosterone and cardiovascular risks.
What the recent spectacular news headlines have not told the public is that the study published in JAMA has received 2 corrections by the authors. The first was “a clarification that the results were based on Kaplan-Meier estimates and not raw data.” The second correction: "They found that almost 10% were women in an all-male study, so why should we believe any of the other data? … These data were so off that it's hard to believe the data for the entire study are accurate."
Morgentaler (Harvard Medical School): "We call it gross data mismanagement … these claims run contrary to 40 years' worth of research on testosterone, which suggests that the hormone has some beneficial effects in certain heart patients.”
I go back to the fact that researchers have found the greatest risk of death and disease from all causes is in men with Low Testosterone levels; the next greatest risk group is men with High Testosterone levels. The healthiest group contains men with Moderate Testosterone levels within the ‘normal’ range – levels targeted/achieved by COMPLEO, which delivers the lowest T dose to achieve moderate, healthy T.