RE:Spinout News?I think everyone needs to RELAX! The company is doing what most others should be doing in this harsh junior market...DIVERSIFYING!! while adding value to all of our investments. The Bayhorse Silver mine is being worked on as we speak which is being hanlded by AMT to bring the mine up to safety standards before they can proceed with the next stage of exploration/mining...would you rather them be sitting on their hands doing nothing waiting for the mine to come up to safety standards while watching the stock price drop do to lack of exploration and or mining at Bayhorse Mine?? I don't think so!!
I talked to Bayhorse and asked them about the Silcom Spinout and was told there would be an announcement shortly regarding the property and or project they plan on injecting into the spin out. So for all of you that are wondering....Silcom will start trading shortly.
As for the MMJ this is a whole new spin out that will take place...and NO they aren't just throwing darts around...this is strategic...they are working with the former owners of Bayhorse Silver Mine who are currently involved in MMJ projects and have expertise in the dramatically expanding American Medical Marijuana sector, which is said to expand into the tens of Billions of dollars a year. For those of you with the Puritan View point that feel Marijuana is should stop taking over the counter meds or prescription drugs that contain Opiates that are far more addictive. I would rather see Governments/Municipalities making money taxing Marijuana then see Thugs kill each other selling and loundering the dirty money. Face it Alcohol, tobaco and Most prescription drugs used to be illegal at one time now they are regulated and help to pay for Education, Health Care and Infrustructor.
There is a lot going on...there is also work being done on the New Zealand Gold properties as we speak and they are working out the last details of the Barrite profits that they will start being received in the last quarter of 2014.
Call the company and do your own DD Bayhorse is in a position to make a lot of us wealthy...if they want to give me free shares in another Spin Out by all means "DO SO".
Projects/Spinouts in last 3 years
Archean Resources (Spin out)
Bayhorse Silver MIne (Bonanza Grade Silver Find) NI-43-101 Jan 2014
Flagstaff Barite Sale (Revenue later this year on a continual basis)
Silcom (Spin out) Project to be announced shortly
Alexander River (New Zealand) Graphite/Gold Mine NI-43-101 May 2013
Lyell (New Zealand) Gold Mine
Paparoa (New Zealand) Gold Mine
MMJ (Medical Marijuana Company) (Most Likely a Spin out)
What other company can you say has provided its share holders value in not ONE...not TWO...but FOUR different ventures under one umbrella BAYHORSE(formely, Kent)