RE:RE:March 2014Good Saturday to your Mr.King,
Yes Garth it seems you were wondering why I had posted a reply in the early morning hours, we'll it is that I'm very worried about you as you seem so very stressed.
I will remined you again that if you are displeased and/or annoyed with both myself and ventures posts then simply use the ignore button and "BOOM" we vanish......
The reason that were here is we own stock and totally have the right to comment positively or negatively to anyone's posts wether you like it or not.
I am making sure other readers on this bulboard don't get mislead by the rather negative and in my opinion wrong wording and it's context, especially what comes from 99% of your posts Mr. King.
Question for you Garth about that inbox message that you had sent to Venture last 2013 summer when you said you had "Darla" on your front lawn and Patrick on the phone .......what the "Heck" is that all about my friend......
Are you family or an insider of something.....?????
I'm worried about you my friend, back up to the slopes with our group .....great day for sking the Rockies even with a sore head....!!!!!LOL
Hows the Prairie weather.......?????