DYNAMIT and other fellow BASHERSIf you have done any due dilligence. You would first know the CEO used to work as a Securities Lawyer at Calgary, Alberta. Secondly as many of the bashers know, many companies that witness bashing on stockhouse bullboards take legal action against those individuals (i.e. ccb.v , int.v , dml.t and a large variety of other companies, where these companies hire lawyers to uncover the bashers. But since Jeniffer Boyle (CEO of Satori Resources) is a lawyer, it will be much easier for her to file papers against such individuals on this board that bash the company and management on a repeated basis. So Satori resources would not go bankrupt, but more like the indivduals that bash here, could find themselves with a law suit. That will put bashers monies in the hands of Satori resources and out of the bashers pockets.
I do not think you want to try Jennifer Boyle.