SA articleHa,
the clown has no clue how to actually read or comprehend the actual ore deposit, for starters.
the article says the management was new last year...well he is off by a long way as it was in 2012.
furthermore, the actual stupidity of the facts are so jumbled up in order to get his dumb lazy point across, bias is a light word for this one sided view.
well, I figure this idiot has a few days to bring her down, in the market, people call them "short" to drive the price down...I personally call the scumbags...then they get to buy the few sellers out at lower when the real run happens.
the higher grades of Ore here are going to allow this clown to eat his words, since he only chose old charts and graphs...not the recent is called derisking this project by first upgrading the M&I and then looking at the met results and PEA.
then you will see the Joint Ventures come out of the woodworks or a large producer that is tired of South Africa and their stupid unions that are demanding what they cannot have...oh and this author...or clown...has no clue that there are numerous joint venture partners and producers now with confidentiality agreements AT the table.
go get a life, clown, it is not understanding PGMs or hard rock mining in any form or fashion.
Please show your face and post a real objective article when the PEA and M&I come out...if you dare come out from under the Ore body.
No real effort here to backhand this clown...a simpleton at best.