Normal Course Issuer Bid FINALLY Mr. Michael Fallquist reports
Crius Energy Trust has received the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange to make a normal course issuer bid for up to 500,746 of its issued and outstanding trust units on the TSX.
Purchases under the bid may commence on April 11, 2014, and will terminate on April 10, 2015, or on such earlier date as the bid is complete. Purchases of units will be made through the facilities of the TSX in accordance with its rules or alternative Canadian trading platforms. Daily purchases will be limited to 12,531 units, other than block purchase exceptions. The price that the trust will pay for any units purchased under the bid will be the prevailing market price at the time of purchase and any units purchased by the corporation will be cancelled.
As of April 7, 2014, there were 10,014,924 units issued and outstanding. The 500,746 units that may be repurchased under the bid represent approximately 5 per cent of the issued and outstanding units on April 7, 2014.