Thirdy PercentPrices for this quater so far are 30% over the budget forecast for the year. It looks like Cushing is starting to empty out. Historically WTI prices were higher then Brent, WTI is a higher grade of crude then Brent. Clearly there is a premium market for synthetic crude and we seeing that right now, we simply need a perferred marketing strategy that will make sure that we get this premium price all the time. No just when one plant is taken off line. In any case it looks like revenues will be much higher. The question is will be production be much higher as these capital project are winding down. Is management comfortable carrying a little more debt or is it being balanced with a lot more reliable production?, we will have to wait and see. Clearly the debt picture is unsettling for the investment community for COS because there is no asset trades possible, no selling off of produciton, only the basic metrics of the company are in play here. More production, Higher Prices, Lower Costs, and hopefully an improved dividend that will increase the market capitization and give the company a few more options. I don't think the market is a viable option from the company right now. Any issues with the primary market fundementals is unsettling for the share holders. On the other hand good operational excellence will get rewarded.