Its a mimetic peptide. Lots of these types of plays going on in this space. Most of the early mimetic peptides were based om the apoa-1 protein, but the new crop are based on apoe. Some are simply because of IP while others were because the apoe peptides were orginally focused on CNS diseases. A very large amount of the class A lipid binding peptide work has come out of UAB. They are the experts.
The term mimetic peptide simply means a short sequence protein that immitates the structure and or function of the full length protein. Wild type apoa-1 is 243 amino acids in length which means it must be made in living cells. The mimetic peptides are typically around 18 amino acids and can be made synthetically.
They are definitely a competitor to RVX. These are the new generation of the reconsituted apoa-1 products like Esperion's Apoa-1 milano. Some can even be given orally. The pre-clincal data on these has been good. The clincal data has been ok as most have been focusd on HDL remodeling initially. Most of the early stage companies that I see in this space are using pepetides. The peptides don't simply repeat a short sequence of the protein directly but rather are designed iteratively to model it. I believe the apoe peptides are based on the c terminus of the full length protein which is a large lipid binding site.
These are definitely something to be aware of, however, in this space, if you get your product to market with good data, you will sell it. If 208 gets to market, it will sell even if mimetics are available.