Repost of Call to SkyharbourThey basically told me that they hit uranium at Swoosh. They have completed 5 holes at Swoosh and were originally going to go 150 meters on every hole, but they went 250 to 300 meters on every hole so far because they were loving what they were finding!!!! They will not be moving to CHA or SOUTH FIN until maybe later in the summer with any drilling. They will be expanding their drilling program at Swoosh. They are loving what they see at Swoosh. Its not Off Scale like the Patterson Lake discovery, but if it sounds like it is similar to what Nexgen discovered! If they hit Off Scale, they will announce it.. It doesnt matter though, whatever they are hitting, it is worth expanding their drill program and drilling deeper! Again, they are happy with what they are finding and dont even plan to leave Swoosh for awhile! Noka told me two weeks ago that they would not expand the drilling program unless they hit on one hole! I encourage everyone here to call and talk to Skyharbour and NOKA and verify what I have told you. Tomorrow morning I am going to take those cheap shares available off the market!!!! Cheers, Realty