Accumulation??Your kidding ..aren't you..Lots of sellers lined up to provide liquidity shs. at a measly 3 pennies..With only about $750 worth on the bid side at .025....Hardly accumulation! If there was only 1000 cos. listed , this pooch would be ranked around 999 th. They do not seem to care about shareholders & shown a propensity of carrot dangling for yrs without any success..They have little to show for the $7,000,000 that was chewed through over past few yrs...It would be interesting to actually view their monthly/annual expense acct..Real nice gig they've had but clock is ticking on remaining cash...How long before it is zero ..How is spending money every month on costly I.R. Services been working for you?? That was another example of waste. The only accumulation going on here is the CEO's paycheque..