GREY:LGLTF - Post by User
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jumpth3sharkon Apr 11, 2014 7:46pm
Post# 22442506
The EQA Designation is Only a Good Program for Loyalist
The EQA Designation is Only a Good Program for LoyalistThe EQA designation is ONLY A GOOD initiative for Loyalist. The implications are as follows:
-First and foremost, if anyone is concerned about Loyalist schools getting EQA certifications, there is a stand procedure in place to qualify. Some Loyalist schools are already EQA designated. The others will follow. The program itself was only introduced in 2009, and has been optional since its inception. Schools must be compliant by December 2015. Loyalist has more than enough capital and resources to accomplish this. The risk is nil.
- The schools that cannot meet the requirements will close and lose their students. Loyalist will be able to absorb these students. Since British Columbia is one of two provinces where the majority of ESL students study, this is very good for Loyalist
- The schools that cannot afford to get certified, Loyalist can buy on the cheap in a fire sale because they're going to be closing their doors anyway. The end of 2015 might be a very exciting time for Loyalist
- The British Columbia government has committed to increasing the number of international students by 50% by 2016. There is going to be a massive influx of students to British Columbia over the next couple of years, which Loyalist should benefit from, especially through re-branding and consolidation to strengthen the LOYALIST BRAND