Can others control the LUC market price with thin trading?
Question/Opinion: I know that buying or selling 200,000 shares over the course of the day is almost impossible for the average retail investor .. is it possible for a LUC competitor to setup multiple trading accounts and have their brokers buy and sell at key times to limit LUC's upward stock mobility? I don't know the answer to the question .. but outside of a monopoly market .. this could be a cheap way of controling your industry rivals .... if this were actually happening .. are the TSX regulators just too overwhelmed to detect these kinds of stock manipulations????????
Is the deck slanted against the retail investor on the TSX????
I just can't understand the market results today with LUC stocks.. it defines all the free market observations that I've ever seen..... I don't buy that a $ 1.93 close was "all ready priced " into the market ... sorry ..