Timing: The only regret I haveI bought this when it was CXT (Creso). I've paid an equivalent of $0.35/share as I loaded up before the name change. I refuse to buy more, but I also refuse to sell (my cash is now tapped out). Thing is, I don't need to constantly see gains week-to-week, during a down cycle, I've got enough cash to get me through the summer no problem. I know once the snow melts and Ned Goodman/Dundee want to start moving along, they will. They're incredibly rich and have played this game a long time. They've got way more money tied up into this than we do and they love their money. This is just a bump in the road, don't let the selling of a few thousand shares at low prices scare you. Say Dundee starts unloading.. well then you may want to re-investigate. Take courage my friends and only regret that you didn't get the shares for even cheaper.