RE:RE:Market ManipulationI do not disagree the HFTs are front running the large institutional orders. They have iceberg order sniffers (one of many examples) and have time/proximity advantages with all the exchanges. Yes there are serious disadvantages for retail investors (especially large individual orders and large orders placed by funds as a collective). Also yes they do at times block the upside like the parasites that they are. I would like to have seen HFTs eliminated 5 years ago however, the stock exchanges got in bed and are making to much money. Also the regulators have admitted they truly don't understanding it. The large banks run the regulators and contribute the most fees to regulators. The large banks like CIBC now have their own HFTs and make big revenue from it. It is one thing to say they are picking our pockets one half a penny at a time (which is legal BS) and another to say someone or some parties are conspiring to manipulating FCU up and/or down in the traditional VSE and ASE sense (a big HFT, institutional and large company scam to take our shares - seriously?). TSX computerized market surveillance is too sophisticated. This stock is falling seasonally and it needs the blue sky pounds to be verified. Drilling will re-commence and it will be onward and upward. Hathor suffered the very same up and downs. Was it manipulation...whatever makes you feel better during the swings...