RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:43 101Good to see that you are part of the "inner circle" my good friend Garth King, are you ready for another season of great CFL defending cup champions......?????
Hey knowing that Christian has or should I say may be put in the penalty box as a certified and accredited geologist for inapporpiate behaviour tells me that you are an insider or maybe been privy to insider information that he has possibly lost or may be in a position to lose his designation as a geologist in Canada points me in the direction of suspicion that you are not credible on any of your posts that you present here on the VRB board......NOT GOOD MY FRIEND .......NOT GOOD .......
If your comments on your most recent post is untrue may be subject to litigational matters that you may not carefull my carefull......
If I were Cristian I would be rather "PISSED" at you for those comments..........
Some may say you have been implying negative undertones and or possibly trying to act in a malicious manner against VRB .....thus effecting VRB ability to rise in its stock price.....
Just saying......
Was that you today buying another 1000 shares on top of the other 4000 shares that may have been bought buy you as per my post of your other possible purchase from the Friday business transactions of April 11/2014 when 4000 shares were bought and you posted that you now were "currently" a supporter of VRB....
I'm proud of you if that is you as finally you are trying to be part of the team instead of your usual patterns of uncertain implicational future of a real resource and what some my call rather negative views of such a great potential triple play metal company located in Canada...
Sleep we'll my friend.....