RE:OT: RdgeoWI, a most interesting and appreciated that imparts some knowledge and insight (for me at least)...I thank you and apologize in advance for any past and misinterpreted trangressions.
Also, I think you will profit from any lessons learned with your investment in MPV. Lets not forget that it wasnt MPV's "fault" that DeBeers purposefully dragged their heels for all those years, electing to choose other less economic Canadian projects first and explicity choosing to warehouse Gacho Kue diamond inventory. I can only presume they did that to try and smoke out their partner through "attrition". Its been a Battle of the Somme. Casualties on both sides and little to show for it (thus far). However, unlike 7 miles of territory gained in the before referenced battle, we have 49% of some very lucrative diamondiferous kimberlites and are still alive to reap the benefits, the smell of which hasnt quite yet wafted into our nostrils, but I can taste its approach.