gonna get intersting to see who they add to board... so this can continue trading! lots of positives going on here imo, company flowing profits, especailly with the 3rd quarter being so positive vs 2 losses in first half! CEO loading 6 million shares in april, old tired directors resigning bout time! thinking Chris (ceo) will get someone decent on this board.. it sure would be sweet to see someone with a pile of experience bring HFI into next stage of game... company has little to no dilution, along with insider ownership @ 53%, only 24million shares out and producing a profit!
next year end results due out by end of april! lets see another consectative 1/4 with nice production and lets see someone with some pull added to board! things could heat up here... good luck anyone holding to see what happens!
thinking things gonna work out well here! this has a 600K market cap and producing oil/profit! lol big risk/reward imo