how I feel about the IR guy(re-post from the other forum. GLTA, R.) somebody>Never seen a IR whip out worst case scenarios publicly?
because most IR just want to blow meaningless smoke up your behind, hoot and holler and let you wave $1200/share around like there's no tomorrow.
to me, that Chris has his feet planted squarely on terra firma ... it's an enormous sign of that mythical beast called integrity.
try not to "read between the lines" of his messages; in his case, there's no hidden meaning buried in the message, no runes to shake, nor secret ink.
I find it refreshing to have his practical, cautious, and straightforward demeanour.
please be careful not to twist and make his examples into something they're not (prophesies of doom or visions of paradise -- they're neither).
if you find yourself without direction while the market plays its games, assuage your fears by re-reading the 20F, along with all the public material released since then.