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Vanadiumcorp Resource Inc V.VRB

Alternate Symbol(s):  VRBFF

VanadiumCorp Resource Inc. is a Canada-based critical metals company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in Canada, with a primary focus on the exploration of the Lac Dore and Iron-T Properties in Quebec. The Company produces a stream of quality vanadium electrolytes for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFB). The Iron-T Property is located in the Nord-du-Quebec administrative region in the Province of Quebec, approximately 15 kilometers (km) east of Matagami and 780 km northwest of Montreal. The Lac Dore Property is located approximately 27 km east-southeast from the City of Chibougamau, in Eeyou Istchee James Bay Territory, Nord-du-Quebec administrative region, Province of Quebec, Canada. The Lac Dore Project comprises two claim blocks, referred to as Lac Dore Main and Lac Dore North. The Lac Dore Main claims cover an area of 648.82 hectares (Ha), and the Lac Dore North claims cover an area of 4,637.87 Ha.

TSXV:VRB - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by ventureveston Apr 30, 2014 2:40pm
Post# 22508731

Lac Dore contour lines.

Lac Dore contour lines.
Note  at  7:55 into the  video there   is a  3 D  map  with the  contour  lines   with the  ore deposit  shown... Sure  makes  it  easy to  see  the  outcrop  of the  ore body is contained  in the  hill.
Bullboard Posts