RE:good price to buy in?navytofer wrote: whats a good price to buy in right now... i am in for long term. used to day trade this company when it was jumping arpund 1.5-2.0 something. now that its really high i dont know how much i should buy it on but i know theres still a lot of potential for the company.... and it seems like CROW is the guy to ask in the board so i would like to get his opinion. everyone else is also welcome to share please help thanks!
A GOOD price - If before mid-June then anything in the $2.55 - $2.65 range. After A3 comes in and it is a good drill then up that by $.30. My thinking is that the share price will rise in increments of .25 - .30 as news comes in until she's producing. Then it will depend on the larger market conditions, news of any buyouts, dividends, etc. Just my 25 cents worth.