Chief I am a totally neutral poster on SJL who bought into SJL on the basis of the properties Paul Olgivie acquired for SJL in the same way as he had acquired the Miller mine for CCB.

My opinions on SJL are limited to that board and I find it very objectionable whenself appointed Judge Greenfield comes on the SJL board and as much as convicts Paul Cooper when the case has yet to go before the courts.

This guy comes across as being totally obsessed and controlling with his opinions has to wonder who this guy actually is and what his Agenda is.Oobviously you and others are tired of his repetative posts re Paul Cooper.

Enough is enough ....there are a lot of unscrupulous people on SH and they themselves know who they are ....there are also many decent people who are here to enjoy expressing their opinions and these are the people who are welcomedon SH.