Shale GasI just had to respond to BOULIGNY Blog of a few days ago. He brought to our attention an article by a group called the "OUTSIDER CLUB". This article brought back memories of a visit I made, with my RIG WELDER brother in law, in the middle of winter, to a drill sight in Southern Saskatchewan in the HEART of the Brakken field. It was around mid night & he said he had to weld a component on this drill rig. He also said I should go to the trailer where the head guy stays & keep warm. Later I found out that this fellow was half owner of this rig.
I asked him if there were any companies in the Brakken Field he would recommend I should invest in? He was very candid & said I should be very careful of investing in companies that have only interest in the Brakken Field. I asked him why was that. He said the Brakken Field wells, when they are first drilled, come on like gang busters, but they tend to peter out a lot sooner then the conventional drilled wells. The Frack Well has, on average, a much shorter life span then a regular drilled well.
I went away with this information & internalized it & have been shy ever since to invest in a company that solely uses this method. Had I not met this fellow I would have probably invested in one of the oil/gas companies in the Brakken play. Do your own DD