I ain't going nowhere!!Hey artecdesign.......I also have no intention leaving this boat........People expects the s/p to jump on every occasion, then when the tides turn they go trigger happy and sell......Most of the shareholders here including myself are not penny flippers/day-traders......I've been there done that.....i've daytraded/swing traded/short selling/and even naked short sell....in most occasion i was much much worst off than sitting tight and being right on my investments and besides it's very hard on the head i might add......I am a Value Investors and i believe in the promissing properties Noka does have......as Warren Buffet quoted once "if people can't hold a stock for 5 minutes let alone 5 yeras......Uranium is at a 9 year low....I have no intention buying when U or U plays are 50% higher than today......As for Noka.....Nothing negative fundamentaly has changed with Noka, as a matter of fact it has now 3 horses pulling the cart on Noka's promissing properties(Lodge Pole Point will be another Great property once Noka start concentrating on it)......so in the meantime,i will wait it out cause i would rather have a position now than be out when the U bulls starts to run(and it will).....What goes down must go up, and vice versa, but, i do know this is down......GLTA