RE:RE:RE:New 52 Week Low ---$9.62
let's look at the facts.. Ago dropped cause they said costs will be up by 20%.. from 700 to 900 approx.. Yet the stock drops more that 45% From $18 to now $9.66 They have no debt... $400MM in cash... V.low dilution.. Pay a dividend... Then you ask why r ppl dumping it? Well it's because the general population believes that things are back to normal. They are oblivious to the fact the USD is in for a shocker down grade.. Us federal debt is at $17trillion..and growing At this growth rate the debt will surpass US GDP. Which means USD down grade is eminent. Now we r small fries... But think if u r a millionare with millions invested in the green $.. Would you want to loose value due to down grade in currency? Then there is the Chinese currency. China is buying all the gold they can get their hands on. Why? If the AU price is overvalued, they should wait for down swing... But no. They have been buying like crazy ppl. I wonder why? So my friend you gotta look at what NOT being said rather than what is being said. No paper currency can survive the global money printing. A time will come for a reset. And it's not looking pretty. These are my fundamentals for buying in AU producers. And AGI is my favourite.