50 mm lbs between lines 630-720?Consider the 90 m of strike length between lines 630 and 720. Nine very strong holes were drilled in this zone during the winter program as follows (first number is ore intercept length (m), second number is offscale length (m); PLS192, 99, 1; PLS214, 153,24; PLS215, 120, 34; PLS187, 146, 53; PLS197, 60,14; PLS171, 98, 15; PLS174, 70, 3; PLS 203, 60, 5; PLS198, 63, 9. These holes define an area about 30m in width in a N-S direction. Assuming an average ore intercept length of 70m, these holes define an ore block of about 190,000 m3 (70x90x30m), which, at a specific gravity of 2.8 = 530,000 tonnes. Considering the robust offscale lengths noted above, and the fact that PLS187 has already assayed 6% U over 103m, lets say that this ore block has the potential to yield an average grade of 3% U. This represents 15,900 tonnes U or 35 mm lbs. Now lets say that during summer infill drilling they expand the width of this zone an additional 10 m to the north and 10 m to the south. That would give over 50 mm lb. Thus, this 90 m of strike length could potentially justify the current share price all by itself, and this zone wasn't even discovered prior to this winter's drilling. Hard to imagine that someone is not getting set to launch a lowball bid at the current depressed share price and that Cameco would just sit there on the sidelines and let it happen. The Mookster