Spoken with Nav!!First of all i will NOT be joining the slasher-basher party.........as a matter of fact, i feel much more relieved and educated after my very lenghty conversation with Nav and Dom(calls were return promptly), and i might add they are not in hiding.......There is plenty that i will not divulge on this board for the open public, but, i am still strong and long shareholder with Noka with over 1.6 millions shares.......My main reason to reach out, was to find out why Nav was giving the farm away(sort of speak)......Nav personally is not happy to have to go this low on this nickle p/p but sometimes it is survival of the fittest in this business.....No money=no funny.........I wanted to know why he did not release this offering after some news.....and i must say, now i do understand why most companies withold their n/r until after they locked and barrel their P/P.....It is quite complex, but, i have figured it out, and now i am more educated on any company of mine offering P/P and will use it to my advantage in the future....... Folks this is entirely my opinion here.....Nav is NOT a fly by night, he got caught up in the whirlwind in this market that took him by storm also, compounded with Bashers coming on here since around the 15th of April discreditting everything Noka and i might add other U plays are doing.Then he gets Kalt liquidating his holding compounded with very low U prices(the perfect storm).......People like Not Buffet et all have an agenda, my guess it is all related to this Lodge Pole Point property......Lakeland wanted that prime property also, and if you ever noticed no one seems to be bashing on the Lakeland board(hmm).....But in the end, i am confident that Nav has a end game plan, and his vision to get there is admirable(imho).......It takes alot of money ,time and hard work to be another Fission, but he is aiming for the stars......And i do believe we will succeed......So bottom line here folks, lets forget about negative noise on this B/B that some individual has motives and start concentrating in finding that "Mother of a Boulder Rock"......This p/p as i figure is pretty well all spoken for.......P.S....To our newcomer friend JohnCanada, i think at the time of Nav telling him there was no P/P in the works, it only came after the fact by a broker saying they can get us some funds and quick..And i do believe him........So people either stick with the program like myself or sell(it is that simple).........GLTA